

Take Your Digital Marketing To The Next Level With Email Newsletters

As a small business owner with an established digital presence, you’re likely ready to expand your digital marketing enterprise. Paid ads, social media campaigns, and a well-designed, sales-driven website are gaining you new sales leads, but you may want to branch out. How else can you connect with your prospects on the web?

If you’re looking for another step to take after your digital presence is established, newsletters are a great choice. Email newsletters can be 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than marketing on social media. They have the potential to reach your prospects directly and provide them with real value and information that will convert them into sales leads and even enthusiastic fans of your brand.

For many clients, email newsletters are not the first step in Digital Marketing- you need to gain an audience who is willing to subscribe to your newsletter, which is often done through a Digital Presence Building campaign. This isn’t always the case; clients in some industries may already have a list of their prospects’ and customers’ emails. Generally, a good fit for a newsletter marketing campaign is any business with a sizable customer database they can reach through email.

Why Are Newsletters Important?

Newsletter marketing is a great way to speak directly to your audience. It’s often more personal than other forms of Digital Marketing because it is delivered directly to consumers in the form of an email. Studies show that 99% of users check their email daily, and many receive mobile and desktop notifications from their email service provider. This gives you a chance to market directly to customers, even when they may not be actively researching a purchase.

Email newsletters also offer the unique opportunity to deliver value directly to your customers. You can use email campaigns to send them offers, news, sales, and valuable information that they may have otherwise missed. This valuable content will delight customers, keeping you top-of-mind when they think of your industry.

We’ve seen the value of email marketing for many clients firsthand. As a matter of fact, it’s been a significant component in helping one client develop over 3,000 new clients for their law firm.

Our Process

All of our email newsletter campaigns start with careful research. Often newsletters are planned on an annual basis and are well-researched with forward-looking topics that are sure to resonate with a client’s audience at the time each is sent. We take great care with the timing of email sends. That includes coordinating with social media posting and updates to your website that are tied to a newsletter.

All copywriting, research, and design for newsletters are done in-house by our experienced team. We work closely with clients to ensure satisfaction at every stage of the process. From creative email subject lines to entertaining and informative content, we ensure that your audience will be delighted to see your newsletter in their email inbox.

Our work doesn’t end after a newsletter is released. We complete careful analysis of the success of each campaign and refine future campaigns based on data collected. We’re committed to ensuring that your newsletters are perfectly tailored to your audience.

Are You Ready To Connect With Customers On A Whole New Level?

Get started with a company newsletter today!